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Digital Marketing Services in India


Digital Marketing is a type of marketing where the internet is used to promote, sell and interact with customers. Digital Marketing is a vast field, which includes a lot of things. Such as SEO, PPC, SEM, Content Marketing, SMM, etc.

Gone are the days when people used to watch ads on Newspapers and televisions (they still do but the frequency has dropped significantly).In the present day and age, digital mediums are flourishing, and people are spending more time on their smart phones.

YouTube and OTT platforms have replaced TV. Even E-newspapers are replacing your traditional ones. Online ordering of food to clothes is ever increasing. This change is only to increase in the future.

This has led to a demand for digital marketing. Brands have realized the power in the digital sources, and are slowly starting to shift entirely digital. This has led to a rise in Digital Marketing Services all over the globe.



Website Design-

Website design or web design is the first step towards growing your business online. If you already have a website, kudos. But if you don't then this would be the first step. There are many Web design agencies out there. So, be careful while choosing your one. A website will play the most vital role in your online business. A converting website will drive traffic and generate sales. Whereas a poor website would do vice versa.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)-

Search Engine Optimization or most popularly known as SEO is the process of optimizing your website. Optimizing in order to rank it at the top of the SERP. And if you can rank it at the top, then you can reap the fruits of unlimited traffic. The beauty of SEO is that once it starts working, it can drive free traffic. Who doesn't like free traffic right?

Under SEO there are 2 types- 

  1. On-page SEO-This type of SEO focuses on all of the content that exists on the page when looking at a website. Whatever you do at the front end falls under on-page. For example- Writing Seo optimized articles, URL optimization, Heading Tag Optimization, Image Optimization, etc.
  2. Off-page SEO-This type of SEO focuses on all of the activity that takes place off the page when looking to optimize your website. This is just the exact opposite of the on-page. Some examples are Link building, Guest posting, etc


Content Marketing-

Content Marketing refers to the creation of content (Audio, Video, Text) in order to increase brand awareness, Growing traffic or subscriber base CM is one of the most sought after Digital Marketing Services. Because as Neil Patel says Content is King. The idea behind content marketing is to give value to your consumers, usually for free. The idea behind that is to get a loyal subscriber base and improve your brand awareness.


Social Media Marketing-

This has to be the most in-demand skill or service in Digital Marketing. This is a no brainer that social media is absolutely booming. And the increase of brands and influencer marketing can be clearly seen. Businesses can make a big impact on social media. Social Media platforms like Face Book, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. are widely used by brands all around the world.

Under SMM there are mainly 2 aspects-

Social Media Management- It revolves around handling and managing social media profiles of businesses. Replying to queries of customers etc. Social media management is the process of managing your online presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by creating, publishing, and analyzing content you post. Also, it's a constant duty to keep the user base engaged

Social Media Marketing- In SMM it is all about paid ads. It's about using paid mediums to boost or run ads. The purpose can be anything ranging from improving your brand identity, to selling a product or service, to growing a subscriber base, to generating leads. In the present age and time, this hand down has to be the most important skill that is out there.


Pay Per Click (PPC)-

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. PPC is again a very demanding Digital Marketing Services In India or any part of the world. The reason is simple. SEO may give you free traffic, but SEO takes time, and not every business has the luxury of time. If a business has funds then PPC or Paid ads is the best route to go for.

PPC is usually done by PPC specialists/ executives. It has some risks but is highly rewarding.


Affiliate Marketing-

The concept behind affiliate marketing is to promote other people's products using an affiliate network. Whenever someone purchases your product you will get a commission on it. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn passive income. Many businesses use affiliate marketing to earn but mostly use affiliate programs to sell their product or service.


Marketing Automation-

According to Hubspot Marketing automation refers to the software that serves to automate your basic marketing operations. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks they would otherwise do manually. Marketing automation is the go-to for marketers in 2020. MA has made the job a whole lot easier. Things that were done manually earlier are now done by using automation software.

Services that have been automated that once was manual are: Email Scheduling, Social Media post scheduling, Nurturing of leads.


Email Marketing-

Email marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Email marketing is a personalized way of marketing your product or services. EM is a much underrated area in the field of Digital Marketing. But the truth is Email Marketing is one of the most converting ways of marketing.

A recent study by Return Path analyzed more than 27 billion emails opened between May 2016 and April 2017. It revealed that more than 55% of emails were opened on a mobile device. On weekends, the rate rises to 60%. This shows that the power of Email marketing has just grown overtime.


Inbound marketing-

Inbound marketing refers to a marketing methodology wherein you attract, engage, and delight customers at every stage of the buyer's journey. You can use every digital marketing tactic listed above, throughout an inbound marketing strategy, to create a customer experience that works with the customer, not against them.



The first step towards having dominance in the online world is to create your own website. If you have one then kudos. After creating your own website it's ideal that you fill it out with content. SEO plays a great deal here. Optimizing the website in accordance to speed, mobile friendliness, etc.

After optimizing your website for On-page activities. We focus on creating high DA back links. Back links are absolutely crucial if you want to rank your website to the top.

We also provide excellent PPC services. Making of ad copy, competitor analysis, keyword analysis, etc.

We also provide content marketing services. Writing effective SEO optimized content is necessary. A good content (in any form) helps in keeping your audience engaged and helps in improving your brand presence.

And Last but not least, Social Media Marketing. It's quite evident that everyone these days are on social media. So having a strong presence over there would only be beneficial for you and your brand.



> Understand what digital marketing is.

> Choose your online marketing channels.

> Review your website design.

> Optimize your website structure.

> Optimize your website for SEO.

> Optimize your website for conversions.



Now if you got an idea of why Digital Marketing is important for your business, then you might also be looking for Digital Marketing agencies.

Before you go about choosing an agency, keep in mind the fact that not every agency out there is worth your time and money.

The demand for Digital Marketing services is huge. Hence the number of fraud agencies is also increasing with each passing day.

But as a consumer and a business owner you must be highly cautious. See Digital Marketing is not what it used to be. Google is bringing out updates regularly.

Back in the day getting ranked was easy. Just optimize your headings and images, Sprinkle your keywords generously build a few backlinks and you're done.

This is certainly not the case now. Nowadays DM requires a tedious effort. You have to keep a lot of factors in check if you want to stay at the top.

To be honest it's a lot of hassle. This is why hiring a Digital Marketing company sounds like a good idea. And trust me it is. Why?

Because these guys/agencies have been doing DM for a very long time. They know the in and out of this field. It's always a wise decision to hire an expert in a field to do the task.

India Web Designs is one of the pioneers in this industry. Having been associated in this domain for around 8+ years, We know how to grow your business.

We have a team of Digital Marketing experts who will make sure that your business grows tens and thousand folds.



Q) Do I really need a website? Will a facebook page/profile do the job?

> Yes, having a website is key. Without one you will be lagging far behind.


Q) Which field In DM should I focus on first?

> I would suggest you should start with SEO, then If you have the budget start focusing on ads (PPC).


Q) Is it necessary to have a presence on Social Media?

> It's not mandatory but having one makes it a great way of connecting to your audience.



India Web Designs is one of the most trusted Website Designing Company in India. With its head office situated at Guwahati, Assam; India Web Designs operates at different parts of the nation as well as overseas.

Apart from being a web design company, we are also a Digital Marketing company focusing heavily on improving our client's online presence.

India Web Designs is a local website designing company in India with all its operations carried out within India. However, it is a matter of pride that during recent years, a majority of the customers are from overseas too.

Our company follows a transparent business model and takes its responsibilities very seriously and dedicatedly due to which the retention capacity of the company is more than 90%.

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