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Blogs Services in India



Blog portals are designed by individuals or organizations that are willing to share information in the form of articles. The articles posted on blog portals might include several notable pieces of information about any product or service. The original purpose of blogging was to provide internet users with an online journal. This online journal allows an individual to create a log of the activities that occurred in their personal lives. Over the last decade, blogs have established a different identity for their users. Blogging is currently utilized by professionals to promote a brand or business. Organizations that develop their web portals often ask for the inclusion of a blog section. Other than that, people who want to share the information they come across in their daily lives, develop a website solely to post blogs. There are many benefits of developing a blog portal as it can be used to promote information publicly. Blog portals are developed by individuals for numerous reasons like sharing their passion, educating others, gaining exposure, etc. Notable blog websites that are gaining a lot of exposure from the public today are Medium, Blogger, LinkedIn, etc. These websites contain data of all sorts and kinds, making them an important source of information. Interested clients can seek the help of a web development agency or professional web developer to create a blog portal. Web developers are capable of developing different types of blogging platforms that can satisfy the client’s requirements. 


A blog portal can be developed in various ways depending on the idea behind its creation. Blog portals that are created for promotion of brand and businesses contain articles that are posted by the portal admin. Certain types of blog portals are also developed by clients where numerous users gain access to post their articles. That is why developers understand the idea before moving ahead with the portal creation. The developers transforms the idea into an abstract visualization to present before the clients. Clients who are satisfied with the visualizations presented in the form of designs, give a thumbs up to move forward with the development process. With the beginning of the development process the web portal starts taking its shape to go live on the internet. Blog portals where a single user posts the articles requires creation of a single admin panel. On the other hand, portals developed for multiple users requires creation of a dual admin panel. The dual panels are developed for both the owner of the website and its users. The user panel holds the records such as the articles written by the user, the activities made by the user on the site, the details received during the registration process, etc. The user panel gains limited access to the web portal and remains different for each user. The admin panel has full access to the web portal and is handed over only to the clients who want such a portal. The admins of the web portal can customize each and every element of the web portal. 

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