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HDFC Bank Payment Gateway Integration Services | 4 Good Points To Choose

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you are looking to for payment gateway integration service in your website to collect payments from your customers for any purpose, the brand new service of HDFC Bank which is HDFC Payment Gateway Service for websites and mobile applications is a great choice.

Here are a few points why HDFC Payment Gateway Service is a good choice for website and mobile application owners:

  1. Single Point Of Contact:

    The very first factor of choosing any service is after sale service. While most of popular payment gateway services in India offers good after sale service but unfortunately you wont find any of the payment gateway which offer a single point of communication. In case of extreme emergency too, you cant find a special or dedicated phone number through which you can raise your complaint. On the other hand, HDFC payment gateway service will be offered to you by one of the official executive designated for payment gateway service in HDFC Bank in your local branch. In case of any emergency, you have at least a single point of contact, whom you can reach and raise your complaint. He on the other hand, on behalf of you shall get in touch with the technical team and get the things fixed for you.
  2. Established Company:

    We have seen, with the increase of internet penetration in India, a lot of entrepreneurs are now offering payment gateway services for collecting payments though your website. But there is one factor which we should always consider is the background of the company as well as strength of the company in handling situations in case of extreme emergency, for example handling frauds and hacks. While shifting to any payment gateway with a good experience in the sector ensures us that, the our data is well protected from hackers and any other threats and at the same time our customers can perform risk free payments in our website through the payment gateway.
  3. Single Window Platform:

    HDFC Payment Gateway Services provides you a single window platform to tract all your transaction details in one place. be it a successful transaction or failed traction, you will be able to track each of them logging into your account.
  4. Technical Support:

    Whether you are building a website from a web design company or integrating a payment gateway from a payment gateway provider, you shall need a lot of support after the integration part is done. For example, there are situations when your customer makes a payment on your website, his bank account gets debited but unfortunately the payment does not reflects in your payment gateway dashboard which may occur due a poor internet connection or any technical issue. In those situation, you need to get in touch with your payment gateway provider, ask them the details and provide the same information to your customer. HDFC, in this regard shall provide you a good support so that you can do your business without any hassle.

Who Can use HDFC payment Gateway Service Integration?:

If you are a website owner or a mobile application owner and if you are eligible to integrate their payment gateway on your website, in such a situation you can integrate HDFC Payment Gateway Service in your website.

What are the charges and procedures to apply for HDFC Payment Gateway Integration Service?:

Charges of applying for HDFC payment gateway services vary from cities to cities. Even in some branches, the application fee is waived off for promotional purposes. Therefore in order to get the correct quote for getting HDFC payment gateway services, visit your nearest branch. Process of applying: 
  1. Request the feature visiting your branch.
  2. Sign up the application form.
  3. Share the website or application details.
  4. Integrate the payment gateway in test environment.
  5. Request the team to do the security audit.
  6. Once the security audit is done, you shall receive the final credentials from test to production environment.

What we can do for you?

India Web Designs, is one of the pioneer web designing company in India providing services like website designing, website development, mobile application development, software development, digital marketing and so on. We have a wonderful experience of 8 years in developing websites and integrating API's like payment gateways and sms gateways with websites and applications. If you want us to integrate HDFC payment gateway services on your website, we can do the following tasks for you:
  • Fill the application form which you receive from Bank.
  • Integrate the payment gateway in test environment as per bank rule, on your website.
  • Submit the necessary workflow, as per the banks format.
  • Request for security audit.
  • Solve all / any error, if arise from the security team.
  • Get the production credentials from team and integrate it on your website.
So if you are planning to integrate, HDFC payment gateway service in your website or application, you can get in touch with us simply by calling us at +91 7002 160 093 0r writing an email to sales@indiawebdesigns.in. No matter what your website development platform like core php websites - Wordpress websites - Joomla Websites - Magento Websites -  Prestashop Websites - Wix Websites, etc , our payment gateway integration services will be valid for all.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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