Looking To Make Digital Marketing Or Web Development As A Career? Browse our Digital Marketing Course & Web Development Course


  • 2021-03-03 05:35:59

                A website comes into existence because of the collaboration of a web designer and web developer. If you are a newbie who wants to create his website then knowing website design and development is very necessary. Web design and development can be termed as different branches of the same tree. Website design deals with the content of a website making it appealing to the site’s visitors. On the other hand, the development of a website focuses on the functionality of a website thereby increasing the overall user experience. Before knowing about web design and development we must know about a website and its importance.


What is a website?

                A website is an identity that highlights the presence of either an individual or an organization in the vast world of the internet. It is a collection of pages that are merged to represent oneself in the most viable way. There are millions of websites available on the internet today that are designed to serve different purposes. A website comprises a common domain name and is published on a particular webserver to make it accessible to the users of the internet. 

A website can prove to be advantageous in a lot of ways. Some of the advantages of having a website are mentioned below:

                 ⦿ It serves as an intermediary for the business of providing foreign information to foreign customers.

                   ⦿ Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

                   ⦿ Provides an easy way to communicate between buyers and sellers.

                 ⦿ It works as a great way to market your channel on social media and build community with your customers.

                 ⦿ It is found all over the world.

                 ⦿ This helps to sell more and therefore reach more customers.

                 ⦿ Helps increase conversion rates.

                 ⦿ It can help companies promote their products or services.

                 ⦿ In the modern modern world, a trustworthy online presence of any company is assumed.

                 ⦿ Having a website saves you a lot of time because everything you need is in one place և you can see them all at any time.

                 ⦿ Offers a simple way to serve customers.

                 ⦿ The site provides as much detail about your business as it does in the future.


              With the rapid advancements in digital technologies, one may find it easier to create a website because of the availability of website builders and content management systems. Using either of the platforms one can create a website to make it serve its purpose. If you aren’t interested in creating your website then you can go to your nearest web design company to help you with your troubles. There are a lot of website creators that can be found today because of the popularity of websites. People known as freelancers are also engaged in the process of website designing and their developmental activities. 

If you are confused between selecting a freelancer or web design company our article o Website designing company in Jorhat to get some help.


What is website designing?

               Website designing refers to the transformation of an idea into a visually appealing design that suites the purpose of your website. It is the process of creating a layout that can be used by the developers to turn it into a fully functioning site. Web designers face a hard time while trying to implement a design as they need to integrate the best user experience and a welcoming environment for the user. To create a great website one must apply a proper design strategy in its early stages because without a great user experience and design the website won’t get any appreciation from its users. The work of a web designer was underrated earlier but nowadays they are rated at the same level as web developers. If we think about designing a website it might seem simple but there are a lot of difficulties that lie ahead in this process. Even after knowing the features and specifications required for a website one must proceed strategically to present the best-suited design. Web designers start their designing process with a scope which is the focal point and the purpose of the website. At first, they create a rough sketch of the design then they proceed towards wireframes, mock-ups, and the final design. Professional web designers use design components for their designing process where they create a pixel-perfect layout of all the website components. 

If anyone is interested in designing a website then the following points must be kept in mind:

              ⦿ One must have sound knowledge of graphics designing

              ⦿ The design should be achieved in such a way that it attracts the user’s eyes

              ⦿ To achieve a successful design the elements of the website should be kept simple and they must perform their desired functions     

              ⦿ Web design trends change from time to time. One must keep themselves up to date with the latest trends to create a website that familiarizes itself to the user’s eyes.

              ⦿ A great design consists of a perfect balance between the displaying colors, its typography, and the readability of the website.

Tools used in Web designing:

Every profession utilizes a certain set of tools to bring its concepts into reality. There are a lot of applications that serve the purpose of website designing. A small list of tools that are involved in the web designing process are mentioned below:

                 ⦿ WordPress:

WordPress is the most common web design tool that is available on the internet today. It is widely used by numerous designers all across the globe because of its simple and easy-to-use features. It provides a lot of options to edit and optimize a website that suits the needs of the designer. 

                 ⦿ WeBotApp Master:                     

WeBotApp Master software is designed and developed by India Web Designs. It acts as a content management system, customer relationship manager, enterprise resource planner, and also account management software. It is a user-friendly platform that allows one to design beautiful websites with a lot of additional features.  

                 ⦿ Photoshop:

It is a popular tool for creative designers who are involved in designing beautiful artworks. It can act as a vital tool in designing authentic websites allowing one to create amazing prints and patterns in their projects. With the mastery of photoshop, one can design websites faster than the other web design tools.

                 ⦿ Adobe Dreamweaver:

It is an impressive design tool put forwarded by adobe that enables a user to directly code the website design without having any knowledge of programming. It comes with a lot of features that can be utilized to create a responsive web design. Using this software allows one to optimize a website without affecting the experience of the website user.

                 ⦿ Google Web Designer:

Google Web Designer helps you in creating beautiful and attractive HTML5 content. One can use animations and social media platforms to increase the site’s visibility and have fun with other Google products, like Google Drive, Revelation & Video 360, and Google Ads.


What is Web Development?

             A great design is not enough to craft a successful website. There are a lot of areas other than designing the website contents which are essential in building a great website. Web development is the work that is done behind the scenes to make a website look great. It is the work that goes into maintaining a website while making it work fast and perform better along with providing a great user experience. 

         Web development can be further categorized as: 

                   ⦿ Frontend Development:

              Frontend development deals with the interface of the website turning the crafted designs into a live website. It generally creates a  layout that acts as a link between the backend of the website and its user. The languages that are used in frontend development are HTML(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheets), and JS(JavaScript). These languages are used in developing the visual interface of the website. This part of website development gives importance to the elements of the website and their placement in the website layout. 

                  ⦿ Backend development: 

               Backend development deals with the data that is available on the website. A database connection is important to store the user-generated data or the general data present on a website. The backend consists not only of the database but also the server that hosts the website. It handles operations such as CMS development, server & network securities, scripting the client-side & server-side, etc. Backend development can be achieved with numerous coding languages such as PHP, MySQL, ASP.NET, Ruby, Python, etc. There are more backend coding languages as compared to frontend. It is because browsers understand only JavaScript whereas backend development can be configured to understand almost any kind of coding language.

              People who are interested in both frontend and backend development must consider the role of a full-stack developer. A full-stack developer takes care of both the frontend and backend part of a website. These people are capable of creating a website using codes along with maintaining the database queries of the website. A full-stack developer is an expert of all languages who possesses a basic knowledge of design and user experience. Web Technologies are evolving every day and it is very necessary to keep oneself up-to-date with these advancements to excel in the field of web design and development


             With the advancements made in the field of internet technologies, people have developed different strategies to overcome their workload. A website these days serves the purpose of promotion and also provides an attractive way to present oneself in the internet world. With the increasing needs of a website, the areas of website design and website development are gaining popularity. If someone wants to create a website and does not know these areas then they must seek an expert who is well-versed with the terms of web design and development. Numerous people work either as a freelancer or an organization to offer their services in the field of designing and developing a website. Anyone who wants a uniquely crafted website that serves the purpose of its creation can get in touch with our company. We are India Web Designs, one of the pioneers in the website creation industry who have been providing an array of services to support any organization digitally. With our years of experience, we are capable of creating websites that suit the user’s requirements. Let us know if you have any queries related to any of the services that are provided by our company which are website designing services, digital marketing services, mobile app development services, software development services, SEO services, domain & hosting services.


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